Song Information – Reason Users Quick Tip

using song information main image

Song Information might just be one of the most underutilised Reason features. I know I used Reason for a long time before I got into the habit. In this Reason quick tip, we are going to make a case for why we think you should be using it too.  Saving time and being calmer in the studio, it’s all here! 

So, who is this Reason quick tip for?

  • Reason Users who are collaborating.
  • Those who are sharing or selling Reason song files.
  • And everyone else. 

Why use it?  There are two solid reasons why using song information is useful. Firstly, when the song is opened you can have a splash screen (optional) open up and display all of the information about the song. This is especially useful if you are sharing files or collaborating. Secondly, when searching through song files in the Reason Browser, imagine being able to see a description of every song you click on. It can contain key, tempo, what stage the production is at, genre, and anything else you think is pertinent.  

The case for not using it: Can’t be bothered. 

Using Song Information:

song information input screen

If you go to the File menu and select Song information, a blank version of the panel above will open up. What information you chose to put in there is up to you, I tend to choose things that tell me what the song is and at what stage it’s at.  I’m a serial tune abandoner and this info helps me quickly browse through a lot of files.  You’ll notice the Show splash on song open checkbox, If I’m sharing with others I pop a tick in it, if not then I don’t bother. 


When you click on a file in the browser, the file’s information is displayed at the foot of the browser window. This includes any saved song information. I don’t know about you, but I’ve lost count of all the times I’ve had to open a file to find out what’s in it. If you use song information, you may never have to do this again. 


If you checked the Show splash on song open checkbox, whenever someone opens the song they will get a pop up. See above. You might choose to store different information in here if you are sending it off to a third party.