Saturation Knob Free Rack Extension From Softube

softube saturation knob free rack extension

Saturation Knob by Softube was one of the first rack extensions to hit the Reason rack. Sometime in 2013, to be a little more precise. Despite all of the other options I’ve picked up along the way, I still drop one of these into my racks on a regular basis. Did I mention that it’s free? 

Note: This post has been left for information purposes only. Softube has discontinued support for Reason Rack Extensions and as such none of their REs are available for sale. If you’ve already purchased Softube REs, they won’t disappear from your rack, you just won’t be able to add more to your collection. Softube still produces plugins in other formats but there is currently no way for Reason users to crossgrade from REs to VSTs. Not ideal, but them’s the breaks… 

“My response when they told me the Saturation Knob is a free plug-in was — are you nuts? Seriously? It’s too good to be free! I use it to make guitars fatter and more aggressive snares naturally brighter, kicks punchier, vocals warmer. Basically, it’s good on just about anything. Saturation Knob should be renamed, Attitude Adjuster! If a plugin can be addicting, the Saturation Knob is it!”

Michael Brauer
Seven Grammy awards, Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Coldplay


Saturation Knob By Softube:

Saturation knob is a free-modeled output distortion that can add some tasty grit wherever you think it’s needed. It works well on drums, bass, vocals, and also synths, etc., etc. 

It has three modes of operation; Keep Low, Keep High, and also neutral. If you want to keep the low end intact whilst destroying your drums,  then select Keep Low. I think you can guess the rest 🙂 Once you’ve chosen what to preserve, it’s then all about the big knob. Tweak and win. 



At A Glance:

  • One knob to rule them all.
  • Three modes, and three kinds of distortion character.
  • Great for fattening up drums and bass, adding harmonics to vocals, and more.
  • Works as an insert in your DAW and as a module in Modular, Softube’s Eurorack platform.
  • It comes with a few handy presets to get you going.


To get yours, head over to the Reason Studios website. (This has been removed from the Reason Studios RE Shop)