Rostnomo Random Synthesizer Free Rack Extension

lectric panda rostnomo random syth rack extension

Rostnomo Random Synthesizer is a free Rack Extension from Lectric Panda. It reminds me of an old TV show, Tales of the Unexpected as they could both be sinister, amusing and with a twist in the tale. Although it lacks features it’s a great little device that can deliver all sorts of interesting sounds. Just keep mashing that Random button. 

Rostromo is a spectrum table based synth for the Reason Rack. Designed to provide a never-ending source of auditory modulation and changing textures. 


Rostnomo Random Synthesizer:

So, what does it do and is it any good? The Rostnomo Random Synthesizer has been designed to lead you to the Nostromo Spectral Synthesizer, the fully-featured synth that the Rostnomo Random Synthesizer is taken from. The word on the street is that you will like the sound of the freebie so much that you won’t be able to help yourself. We can’t argue, the full synth is quite nice and can produce really big, complex, and rich sounds.

The core of the Nostromo synth has been rolled into a small 2 unit device. It contains the same powerful procedural panda patch generation engine. The controls are pretty straightforward. You hit the dice like button on the front and it generates a new sound each time. You can also tamper with the synths randomness by clicking on the spanner button. If you like your randomness to be a little more hands-on, you can also click in the little window for each oscillator and then drag something into being with your mouse. I’m kinda partial to the random button though. 

If you do fancy trying out the bigger synth, you’ll be pleased to note that it also has a random button. 

At A Glance: 

  • It’s free.
  • Hit the random button until you get something you like.
  • You can tweak the randomness.
  • If you like what you hear, it has a big brother.

For more information, visit Reason Studios.