Chandler Zener Bender New Softube Channel Strip

zener bender channel strip from Softube

The Chandler Zener Bender Channel Strip from Softube combines the Zener Limiter and Curve Bender together into one channel strip. The name Softube has long since been synonymous with faithful digital recreations of classic analogue hardware. Over the years they’ve brought us everything from classic amps to mastering grade processors, and everything in between.  Their latest offering is great news for anyone who likes add a vintage vibe to their tracks.

It’s not pure math that brings us to a finished product—it’s passion: a pinch of something special you can’t quite put your finger on, but it makes the dish.


Chandler Zener-Bender The New Channel Strip from Softube:

This time around they’ve brought us a new channel strip, a collection of vintage units to add some bygone magic to your music. It comprises;

Zener Bender: Two vintage-sounding units, full of heritage and trusted by some of the world’s top engineers, then combined into a focused channel strip workflow.

Zener Limiter: A versatile and powerful compressor/limiter with punch and power to match its tasteful distortion.

Curve Bender: An extremely musical and characterful mastering equalizer. It can be subtle or drastic but always makes things sound better.

Console 1: It also comes with a version of the plugin that has been optimised for use with Softube’s Console 1.

At A Glance:

  • Zener Limiter and Curve Bender combined in one powerful Channel Strip.
  • Includes four plugins: Zener-Bender, Limiter, Curve Bender and also a version for Console 1.
  • Plugin exclusive features: External Sidechain, M/S Processing and individual Channel Linking.
  • Console 1-ready: The individual plugins can be used within the Console 1 mixing ecosystem.


For more information, visit the Softube website.